Funeral Celebrant
My mum still talks about Stella, the funeral celebrant who guided her after she experienced a devastating loss. She talks about the positive and lasting impact she had. She recalls that she felt helpless and consumed with grief. She literally couldn’t put one foot in front of the other. Stella sat my mum down and said, ‘Just breathe. Just sit. Just be. Take it one day at a time and then maybe, just maybe, one day when you look down those feet might be dancing.’
Planning a ceremony after a bereavement can be daunting and overwhelming. The loss of a loved one is undoubtedly one of the hardest moments in life. As your celebrant, my role is to guide and support you. To help create and deliver a personal centred ceremony that reflects the funeral wishes. As progressive or as traditional as you would like.
There is no right or wrong, just choice – yours. Whether that is a poignant service, with a place for you to sit in silence and reflect, or an uplifting celebration of life accompanied by back-to-back tracks from Abba Arrival – it will be an authentic ceremony that honours your loved one.
Like Stella, a great celebrant is one who really listens. One who is empathetic and open. With me, the added bonus is I’m northern (with a neutral accent), so whilst I’m being all of those celebranty things, I can also show you how to warm the teapot before you brew the tea. Essential…
I’m Beth, an accomplished civil celebrant with a natural talent for writing and speaking. I was originally a classical ballet dancer. I travelled the world dancing before training as an actress – a profession I’ve enjoyed for many years, working in Film/TV and Theatre from West End to Broadway. A mum, a writer, a Samaritan, and the youngest of five (and the loudest), I’ve had a wealth of life experience, and a lifetime of adventures.
It would be my privilege to help tell your loved ones story – everyone’s life deserves to be honoured and everyone’s story shared. And as for Stella’s lasting impact – well, my mum never quite reached the dizzy heights of Strictly Come Dancing, but she did learn how to put one foot in front of the other, learn how to dance again (albeit badly as she has zero rhythm and two left feet!).